Friday, August 27, 2010

Write your memoirs

What could you write about the Jell-O of your past? Did your mom put canned fruit in it or cover it with cream cheese or whipping cream? Could you write a six-word memoir on this fruity tasting wiggly gelatin?
My fall memoir writing class begins Wednesday, Oct. 6 and runs through Wednesday, Nov. 10. It will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at Lobo Elementary School (off Pico and Vista Montana), San Clemente. The cost is $99. This class is through the Capistrano Unified School District's Capistrano Adult School program. To register go online:

Putting your past on paper can be a gift of healing for yourself and a gift to your loved ones. Take the journey and come celebrate your life.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The next David McCullough?

I’m wondering if my son Andrew, the Chief Deputy Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for San Diego County, has traded in his long title for that of a documentary narrator. If you click on
you can watch Andrew explaining the art work in the federal building. I have seen the art and it’s beautiful, representing San Diego families at work and play. Always a proud mama – good work Andrew.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love opens tomorrow

Tomorrow the long awaited movie, “Eat, Pray, Love,” opens with Julia Roberts. I can’t wait; I loved, loved the book. I plan to wear a skirt from India and some bangles to the theater. Above is a photo of the author Elizabeth Gilbert and I at a book signing at UCLA a couple of years ago. She was so kind and a great conversationalist. Check out her web site; she sells beautiful items from around the world. Someday I would like to visit her showroom. If you see the movie, e-mail me your thoughts.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

More photos

Here are some more photos from our day of celebrating the removal of the state's ban on same-sex marriage. Note the cute kid holding the cool sign, never got his name. You can also hear what the mayor said on the Youtube video.